Tachograph PKI Solution in France, Luxembourg, Hungary and Latvia

France, Luxembourg, Hungary, Latvia

X Infotech delivered reliable Tachograph certificate generation solution compliant with the requirements of the Generation-2 Smart Tachograph specifications.

Perfil del cliente



  • Full solution includes delivery of technological equipment, software and various services, such as integration of all components into single system along with the technical support after implementation.
  • Implemented solutions include following components:
    • X Infotech MSCA (Member State Certification Authority) – PKI solution component that issue Tachograph card certificates by digital signing of card public key and corresponding card data. X Infotech MSCA generates private keys in accordance with Annex IC Appendix 11. The MSCA digital signature ensures integrity and authenticity of the issued document. MSCAs certificate is issued by ERCA (European Root Certification Authority). X Infotech MSCA stores all issued certificates in database and provides mechanism to manage certificate statuses according to information received from external production system.
    • X Infotech Key Management System – provides all the necessary functionality for secure generation, handling and transportation of highly sensitivity objects, such as symmetric/asymmetric keys and certificates.


  • A digital tachograph provided for that project is a high-tech device fitted to a vehicle to digitally record the data, such as driving times, breaks and rest periods of individual drivers. The provided devices enable choice of driving modes, thus being applicable for different companies operating in different businesses. The recorded data is stored in the vehicle unit memory and on driver cards enabling compliance to safety and reporting standards.