X Infotech provided its Card Personalization solution integrated with personalization and issuance equipment installed in Ogre Municipality.
Perfil del cliente
Ogre Municipality, Latvia
- Ogre’s municipality cards feature citizen basic identification, public transport payments, school canteens/cafes payments, local access control within city facilities.
- High-quality and flawless personalization and issuance of both contact and contactless cards of two sub-types:
- Ogres citizen card with a unique ID number for city residents and other individuals eligible for Ogre City Council subsidies and other payment benefits; and students declared as Ogre residents, but living and studying elsewhere
- School student identity card with a unique ID number – for pupils of Ogre schools
- Card related POS infrastructure, integrated with public transport, school canteens/merchandise, school facilities door access control systems.
- X Infotech implemented its EMV Certification Authority component in the system of the participating bank. Providing the challenging timeframe, the whole solution, including card personalization and issuance hardware, has been provided within deadlines, budget and defined scope of work.