EMV personalization and PIN generation solution for Hlynov Bank, Russia


X Infotech has successfully implemented the MultiPerso card issuing and PIN Generation solution for Hlynov Bank – the leading bank in the Kirov region. This implementation allows Hlynov Bank to relocate card personalization from a dedicated center to in-house personalization facilities as well as increase production volumes.

Client Profile

Hlynov Bank, the leading bank in the Kirov region, Russia.


  • Comprehensive EMV card personalization to enable the issuance of contact and contactless MasterCard cards.
  • PIN solution to ensure secure PIN code generation and printing of PIN envelopes.


  • Relocate Hlynov Bank card personalization from a dedicated center to an in-house personalization facility.
  • Increase card production volumes by delivering best-of-breed technology.


  • The new advanced EMV card issuance platform enables seamless banking operations in a reliable and robust environment.
  • With MultiPerso solutions, Hlynov Bank will further strengthen its market position and enhance their response to their clients’ needs.