Contract signed for production of biometric documents in Belarus

May 23, 2018 (Riga, Latvia) The agreement on the supply of equipment and software for production of biometric identity documents (ePassport and eID card) in the Republic of Belarus was signed by RUE “Cryptotech” of Department of the State Signs of the Ministry of Finance of Belarus and the consortium companies – Emperor Technology (China) and X Infotech (Latvia).

The consortium of Emperor Technology and X Infotech won the tender to supply hardware and software needed for a system for collection, processing and storing of biometric and identity data, personalization and issuance of biometric documents.

According to Pavel Khrischenovich, Acting Deputy of the Citizenship and Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since 2016, the interested government entities have been implementing measures and activities for introduction of biometric documents approved by the Government as well as creation of integrated services. The system coordinator for the implementation and operations of biometric documents is the Ministry of the Interior.

“After the implementation of this set of measures in the country, it is planned to introduce an ID card as an internal identity document, as well as a biometric passport as a document for traveling abroad,” said Mr. Khrischenovich. “It’s also planned to create a single system for identification of the individuals that is based on the maximum possible coverage of all segments of the population. This system will also allow us to unite various institutional information systems and provide consumers with an opportunity to receive electronic and administrative services, information and payment services under one set of rules (“Electronic Government”).”

The issuance of biometric documents is expected to start in 2019. The process will be systematic and there will be no mandatory mass-replacement of passports for citizens of the Republic of Belarus. The Citizenship and Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs draws special attention to the fact that previously issued passports will remain valid until the expiry date, including for traveling outside the country.


About RUE “Crypotech”
Under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, RUE “Cryptotech” is a leading enterprise  in the field of scientific-technological support of Goznak’s activities, development of new security and document samples as well as creation of various means and methods for protection against forgery. The company is the only manufacturer in Belarus of plastic-based documents with contact and contactless chips.

About Emperor Technology
Emperor Technology is a world leading secure ID solution and service provider with core expertise in electronic passports and electronic personal identification documents from biometric data enrollment, and personalization to dispensing. The company has a 23 year history of manufacturing and services and is atrusted equipment manager for the personalization ofover 150,000 electronic passports and 300,000 electronic national personal identification documents (ID cards) on a daily basis worldwide, spanning China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Thousands of biometric data enrollment devices, smart eID verifiers and dispensing kiosks are being deployed by Emperor Technology, which has been rewarded the highest customer satisfaction rating.

About X Infotech
X Infotech is a global provider of software solutions for issuance and verification of electronic identity documents. The software provider has successfully implemented projects in more than 45 countries around the world, including Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and countries of European Union – European Union laissez-passer, ePassport in Liechtenstein, eID card in Latvia, ePassport and eID card in Ireland, eID cards in Europe, Africa and Latin America.

May 23, 2018